What is E – Light Skin Rejuvenation?

What is E – Light Skin Rejuvenation?

IPL or intense pulsed light is a special technology that beauty spas and medical practitioners use to perform different skin treatments such as photo rejuvenation and hair removal. This technology uses specific light wavelengths for targeting different chromophores in skin. This is a non-invasive treatment that won’t disrupt the skin surface. Recovery time is also short and there are low risks of complications. This makes use of optical energy for the treatment of various conditions.

E – Light Skin Rejuvenation is a combined energy technology of bi-polar radio frequency or RF and optical or light for deeper and much more effective penetration into the dermal layer of the skin.

E – Light Skin Rejuvenation can help treat the following:

  • Red blemishes or broken capillaries
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Hyperpigmentation or sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Melasma
  • Wrinkles or fine lines
  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Permanent hair reduction
  • Skin tightening

What Happens During E – Light Skin Rejuvenation?

First, a cooling gel will be applied and a hand piece will be put on the skin. This hand piece comes with a cooling plate that protects the skin. After the pulse has been delivered, you might feel a brief and mild stinging sensation that is similar to the snap of a rubber band. Right after the treatment, you might have pigmented spots that seem darker and slight reddening. This reddening is going to subside after several hours while the darker pigmented spots will soon fade away and flake off for the next few weeks. When undergoing a treatment for hair reduction, hair follicle will show up in the form of red spots for a few hours.

How Many Treatments are Required?

Typically, it takes 4 to 6 treatments. The treatments are spaced out 4 to 8 weeks apart which depends on the specific body part being treated. The skin rejuvenation treatments are usually scheduled in between 3 weeks.

Who are the Best Candidates for E – Light Skin Rejuvenation?

People with discolored, sun-damaged, or blotchy skin or those whose skin have large pores, wrinkles, or freckles can take advantage of Rotorua E – Light Skin Rejuvenation.

This procedure is quick without any downtime that makes this a convenient choice for people who have busy and hectic schedules. Those who have untanned and white skin that is somewhat elastic are good candidates for E-Light photo facial as well.

Patients must have realistic understanding and expectations as to what they can get out of the procedure. Once done on a suitable person, this can effectively improve skin texture, eliminate discolorations, reduce pore size, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. If you are suffering from rosacea, the condition that results to blotchy redness in your face, E-Light photo facial can also benefit you.

Who are Not Good Candidates for E – Light Skin Rejuvenation?

People who have naturally dark or tanned skin may sometimes suffer from skin pigmentation changes after the treatment. For instance, Italian and Greek descent and African-Americans might want to ask a dermatologist about potential side effects before getting the treatment. Pregnant women must also wait after giving birth before undergoing the procedure.

Cost of Rotorua E – Light Skin Rejuvenation

The cost of E – Light Skin Rejuvenation at Ayu Beauty Studio starts from $75 and we also offer a free consultation to get you started.

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