Cost of Scalp Micropigmentation

Important Instructions to Remember Before and After Scalp Micropigmentation

Once you have decided to undergo scalp micropigmentation treatment, you need to make a few preparations to have a good experience and help the artist achieve the best results possible. You have to do the following:

  • Get your head shaved.
  • Moisturize your skin.
  • Take an ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Required Maintenance After SMP Treatment

Patients should stay away from activities where their scalp may sweat on the first several days following the treatment. Washing and shampooing should also be avoided.

After the first 4 days, many men can use a foil shaver to shave but they should be careful not to run over those scabs that did not fall off yet. Regular moisturizing and shaving is only recommended 10 days after the procedure.

Some of the things to avoid during the first several day following the treatment include the following:

  • Sweating and exercising
  • Showering, washing, and shampooing the head
  • Shaving
  • Touching the head
  • Applying moisturizer

The things to avoid 3 to 4 weeks following the SMP treatment are the following:

  • Swimming in a chlorinated pool
  • Scalp exposure to extreme heat or sunlight
  • Use of steam rooms or saunas

When it comes to pigment fading, SMP treatment can last for 4 to 6 years in most cases. This is the only time when the pigment starts fading a bit so another treatment becomes necessary.

How Long Should You Wait Before You Recover from SMP Treatment?

The client needs to wait for two weeks after the end of the second treatment. This is the time when the final result will be achieved. It is safe to assume that patients will need to wait 2 to 4 weeks before they get the final results.

But, when it comes to the actual SMP treatment, patients may experience some skin redness from every tattoo session within 24 to 48 hours following the treatment.  This is not something serious because most patients can go back to work the next day.

When to Get a Scalp Micropigmentation Touch Up

The initial touch up is already part of the price of the SMP treatment because the majority of SMP clinics and artists offer 2 sessions for every treatment. This is done one week after the initial session to fill in gaps with the use of pigments using shades different from the initial treatment. This adds more depth to the final results, making it look more natural as much as possible.

The price does not include the third session because this is not mandatory and this is not done in most cases. However, if ever the patient wishes to add something else or go for something darker, they can request for another session for touch up. The average cost of an additional session is $500. 

What are the Expected Effects of Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation is an excellent procedure for people who want to have thicker looking hair or those who want to go bold. Aside from the illusion of having shaven hair in the case of male clients, others can undergo the procedure if they wish to make their hair look thicker and lessen the contrast between their scalp and hair. 

Aside from the unlimited density offered by the procedure combined with the fact that clients can retain their hairstyle as they please, SMP is also a good choice for hair-related conditions. Hair-related diseases come in different forms but there are instances when hair loss is the result of medication. Issues like lupus, vitiligo, alopecia, and thyroid problems are only some examples that affect women and men alike.

Patients suffering from AIDS or cancer may also suffer from hair thinning. SMP can be a guaranteed, cost-effective, and simple solution for these problems.

Does SMP Create Realistic Results?

It will greatly depend on the patient’s chosen artist and clinic. A well-skilled and professional artist can create either good or bad outcome but as long as the patient chooses a reliable SMP clinic, they can expect for very realistic results. It is made possible by the two sessions of SMP wherein the artist makes use of different shades and pigments to come up with a more realistic appearance and properly shade the patient’s scalp.

How Long Will the Results of SMP Last?

Scalp micropigmentation creates affects that can last on an average of 4 to 6 years.

Are There Side Effects to SMP?

Despite being a very safe procedure most of the time, there might still be some risks involved in undergoing SMP. This is why it is important for the patient to choose a certified technician skilled enough in dealing with different types of skin and asks all the essential questions during the first consultation.

But, patients still have to remember a few things before getting SMP treatment:

  • There are people who have allergies to ink applied on their skin. This means that they might also suffer from allergies from the pigment used in SMP. As a patient, you have to inform your technician of all your allergies. However, most technicians are using safe and hypoallergenic pigments these days.
  • If your chosen facility uses low quality pigment and ink, it might contain some heavy metals. But, this is mainly a problem of quality instead of an SMP side effect.
  • Lastly, it is necessary that a sterile and brand new needle will be used for the procedure.

You see, most side effects associated to SMP are about the clinic where the patient chooses to get their SMP treatment.

Drawbacks of Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation has several drawbacks that you should know:

  • Scalp micropigmentation is a form of permanent procedure and some people might consider this as a disadvantage. Hair pattern will always remain the same, similar to a skin tattoo. To change it, laser removal process is necessary and this is something that is expensive and even painful.
  • Prolonged exposure to the harsh UV rays of the sun can also increase the risks of fading. Supposedly, the final result will fade after 4 to 6 years. However, there are instances when the patient will have to visit the SMP clinic more frequently to get touch ups.
  • If a man wants to undergo SMP treatment, he must keep his hair extremely short to make the most out of the final look of the procedure.

What Causes a Badly Done Scalp Micropigmentation?

As the result of the increasing number of artists who lack proper training and experience for the past several years, it has become common to see some clients who are unlucky enough to have badly done scalp micropigmentation.

With the procedure of scalp micropigmentation being semi-permanent by nature, it is a must that you look for the best SMP technician. Proper training, experience, knowledge, equipment, and tools are all crucial factors that must be checked and considered.

Cost of Rotorua Scalp Micropigmentation

The cost of Scalp Micropigmentation varies from Salon to Salon ($300-$3000) depending on the amount of hair loss and coverage required.

Ayu Beauty and Tattoo offers a free consultation and our prices are very affordable given the normal going market rate. Our prices can be found when you click the “Book Now” button on the link below.

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